Weekly Run News for May 23, 2024

Trail running on the rise in Latin America

Trail running is on the rise in Latin America. Organizations like the recently established Latin American Trail Circuit (LATC) are promoting the the sport in Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. Now in its second year, the LATC has grown into the largest race series in Latin America. The 2024 season includes nine iconic races with impressive geography–including the mountains of Mexico, the rainforests of southern Chile, the canyons of Colombia, the high Peruvian Andes, and the volcanic peaks of El Salvador.

Another organization, Trail Runners El Salvador, strives to put the beauty of El Salvador on the trail running map. Following the country’s nationwide gang crackdown in March 2022 that led to the arrests of 80,000, the nation has transformed from one of the world’s most dangerous to one of the safest in Latin America. A positive result of the gang crackdown has been greater freedom of movement for citizens who would not have previously felt safe going for a run. As a result, the country posted a 35 percent increase in tourism over the first two months of 2024 making it an increasingly popular place for destination races.

Hara hachi bu

90% of the traditional Okinawan diet is whole plant foods. Most calories come from sweet potatoes with other vegetables and beans accounting for a large part of the diet. Fish, meat, dairy and eggs each account for less than 1% of their diet. Okinawans who eat this way live long and healthy lives with fewer deaths from heath disease and many forms of cancer.

Okinawans recite ‘Hara hachi bu before every meal as a reminder to eat to 80 percent full, instead of stuffing themselves


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$1 billion loan for Peloton

Peloton announced plans take out a $1 billion loan as the company embarks on a self-described “global refinancing” plan. A few years removed from being the pandemic’s darling, Peloton recently announced its fifth round of layoffs as part of a plan to reduce annual expenses by $200 million.

Dynamic AI Workout Plans from EGYM

EGYM Genius leverages artificial intelligence to create personalized workout routines that adjust for users over time based on the daily life challenges. The company recently debuted EGYM Genius, an AI-powered software that develops accurate, adaptable, and personalized training plans by leveraging over 7 billion data points that have been collected from connected strength equipment, free weights, cardio and more over the past decade.

Reddit Thread: Are we in a running boom?

Brzy90’s Question: Since getting into running I’ve noticed a huge influx of people running since the beginning of the year. Old friends returning back to Strava after being inactive for years (myself included 🤣). Instagram feed is constantly full of runners, even my work place talking about marathons etc. Maybe it’s just because I now see myself as a runner that’s affected my social algorithm/awareness & addiction to running trainers? 🥴

For those that have been running a long time, is this the most popular you’ve seen running become? Or does this generally happen from time to time?

Your Daily Dose Of Usain⚡️

Usain with sneakers

Reality can be mean


#relatable #davidgoggins #gogginsmentality #3ammotivation

Words To Run By 🏃‍♀️🏃🏽‍♂️

I am building a fire, and every day I train, I add more fuel. At just the right moment, I light the match.

Mia Hamm

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