Walking to workout

Walking to workout

When running is too intense on the body, walking can be a great way to workout, if treated properly. In today’s newsletter we share tips on how to take your walk seriously, so that you can elevate your health with a workout.

Walking to better health

A new exercise routine does not need to include a complicated regimen, expensive equipment or elaborate exercises. It doesn’t even need to include running. Walking offers a gentle, low-impact cardio exercise that can elevate your level of fitness . It's safe and simple. Regular brisk walking provides many of the same benefits as vigorous exercises, like reducing risk of heart attack, burning calories and trimming the waistline and strengthening your immune system.

Walking for fitness can help you:

  • Control your blood pressure.

  • Lose weight.

  • Improve balance and coordination.

  • Increase core strength.

  • Manage stress and improve mood by releasing endorphins.

  • Manage your diabetes.

  • Reduce the risk of a heart attack.

  • Reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

  • Stay strong and active.

Walking also has been shown to:

  • Improve sleep.

  • Slow mental decline.

  • Lower the risk of dementia.

  • Reduce the risk of some cancers.

  • Help you live longer.

  • Maintain independent living into older age.

Tips for starting a walking routine

5 tips to begin walking:

  1. Start slowly. If you've been inactive, start gently with five to 10 minutes at a steady pace then build up your time and distance over several weeks.

  2. Set goals. Set realistic goals for yourself, such as 20 to 40 minutes of walking five days a week.

  3. Adjust your plan. If you're taking a trip or working overtime, think of ways to incorporate short walks into your day to maintain your walking habit.

  4. Don't let the weather dictate your actions. If the weather isn't optimal, consider walking indoors, such as at local malls, exercise facilities and community centers.

  5. Plan several different routes. To keep you from getting bored, create several routes to choose from to add variety to your walking.

Tips to improve or maintain your walking routine

Already have a walking routine? To maintain or take your walking habit to the next level, try these tips:

Walk with family or friends. Invite others. Not only will they keep you accountable, they'll also reap the benefits of a walking program. No humans available? Bring the dog or cat.

Be consistent. To help your walk become a habit, build it into your daily routine. Maybe it becomes part of your lunch break or something to do after dinner. Add your walk to your calendar, just as you do with other appointments. There will be days when you may need to adjust your walking schedule, but keep it as consistent as possible.

Spice it up. Keep it fun by adding small challenges to your routes. Here are some ideas:

  • Add a workout section with a set of lunges, squats or push-ups.

  • Create a walking bingo game or mentally play the alphabet game by finding something along your route that begins with A, B, C.

  • Walk like other animals.

  • Try a new route to vary your scenery, as well as level of difficulty.

  • Walk on grass or a dirt or gravel path instead of concrete.

  • Vary your pace by speed-walking for short distances.

  • Listen to music, a podcast or guided meditation.

13 Ways to Make Your Walk Feel More Like a Workout

The intensity of walking impacts the type of workout that it generates. Here are 12 ways to make your walk feel less like a stroll through the park and more like a workout.

  1. Don’t obsess about gear, but dress to workout.

  2. Start with a dynamic warm-up.

  3. Walk for longer than you have before.

  4. Focus on your form.

  5. Pick up your pace with intervals.

  6. Bring weights or resistance bands.

  7. Use elevation to your advantage.

  8. Do stair climbs during the walk.

  9. Mix in bodyweight strengthening exercises.

  10. Walk to music with a quicker tempo.

  11. Use technology to your advantage (or leave it behind).

  12. End the walk by stretching .

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Words To Run By 🏃‍♀️🏃🏽‍♂️

The most important conversations you’ll ever have are the ones you’ll have with yourself.

David Goggins
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