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  • Tips for making your run safe during the darker months.

Tips for making your run safe during the darker months.

The seasons are changing, make sure to follow these tips to keep safe!

Navigating the darker days of the year can be like a challenging nighttime race, demanding extra caution and preparedness for your morning runs. As daylight dwindles, safety becomes a top priority. Whether you're an experienced runner or just lacing up your shoes, these safety tips will ensure you're off to a bright start, even in the early morning darkness. 🌘🏃‍♀️

5 Safety Tips For Running In The Dark

  1. Keep Your Music Volume Low

  2. Increase Your Visibility

  3. Run With Others

  4. Let Someone Know When You Start

  5. Switch Up Your Route

Lori Adams Tips For Running In The Dark

  1. Run with a partner if you can. There is safety in numbers

  2. Run with a dog, preferably a larger one

  3. Ditch the headphones

  4. Carry a phone and enable the medical ID function

  5. Never ignore your instincts

For Lori’s complete list on Runner’s World, click the button below!

Another good read for safety tips comes from Brittany Hambleton in Canadian Running Magazine. Click the button below!

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Words To Run By 🏃

The way you get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Walt Disney