Tips For Improving Your Vo2 Max

Tips For Improving Your Vo2 Max

Get ready to turbocharge your cardio fitness and leave your couch in the dust! In this guide, we're going to talk about VO2 max, which sounds like a secret agent's code name but is actually your ticket to superhero-level endurance. Whether you're a weekend warrior or just want to outrun that pesky elevator, we've got you covered. So, tighten those laces and get ready to boost your VO2 max - it's time to unleash your inner cardio superhero!

4 Tips To Improve Your Vo2 Max

  1. Exercise At A High Intensity

  2. Utilize Intervals And Continous Training

  3. Find Your 5K & 10K Times

  4. Keep Challenging Yourself

Sample Workouts To Improve Your Vo2 Max

Daniel Yetman of provides some sample workouts that can help you increase your Vo2 Max.

Running Workout

  • Start with a warm-up consisting of easy jogging and dynamic mobility.

  • Run as far as you can in four minutes and record the distance.

  • Rest for four minutes.

  • Run the same distance 15 percent slower for your remaining four reps.

Cycling Workout

  • Start with a warm-up of 15 minutes of easy cycling.

  • Ride at a more challenging pace for 15 minutes, but easy enough that you can still hold a conversation.

  • Perform five intervals between 3 to 5 minutes in duration at an intensity that raises your heart rate to 90 - 95 percent of your max.

  • Finish with 10 minutes of easy cycling to cool down.

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Words To Run By 🏃‍♀️🏃🏽‍♂️

A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.

Jackie Robinson

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