Tips for Running Your First 5K

Guidance for for your first 5K.

Tips to Prepare for Your First 5K

If you’re an advanced runner, today’s email is not for you. Scroll to the bottom for an inspirational quote from Jim Valvano and your daily dose of Usain.

If you’re preparing for your your first 5K or considering running your first 5K, this is for you. Getting ready for your first race can be intimidating, but you got this! Here are a few tips on how to get started.

5 Tips for Running Your First 5K

  1. Determine Your Goals

    If you have a specific goal in mind like losing weight, running a certain time or being able to go a certain distance, that’s great! Goals can help you commit to training. Before choosing a race, it’s best to know your goal. And whatever your goal is (running a 5K at an 8-minute mile pace, just crossing the the finish line, etc.) can help you select a coach, training plan and the date of your race.

  2. Give Yourself Time

    Select a race, register and prepare. If it’s your first 5k give yourself a few months to train. Find a training plan online, in a running book, or stop into your local running store. Be sure that the plan suits your level of fitness, running experience, and schedule.

  3. Pay Attention to Your Body

    When many of us begin training for a race, we get excited and hit the ground running (literally!). However, it’s best not to overdo the initial training workouts. Training plans can help you gradually increase your mileage over time, but it’s wise to pay attention to what your body tells you. When starting, soreness can be common, but if the soreness lasts more than a day, you should decrease your training load. Remember – rest days are important!

  4. Incorporate Strength Training

    Strength training will help prepare you for your first 5k by keeping your body healthy and strong. It will also reduce the risk of injury. Try incorporating each of the following into your weekly workout routine:

    · Single-Leg Calf Raises

    · Single-Leg Sit to Stand

    · Single-Leg Bridge

    · Side Plank with Hip Abduction Leg Lift

  5. Test Your Gear

    During training, test the gear you plan to use during the 5k. This means running shoes, socks, shorts, shirt, hat, nutrition - everything! Not all running shoe models are comfortable for every foot, shorts can chafe, a hat can feel too tight as our body heats up, etc. It’s best to avoid unpleasant surprises on race day, so test everything! This way, you will have enough time to swap out your shoes, clothing and accessories before race day.

Race Day Tips for Running Your First 5K

Pre-race jitters are normal on race day. Here are 14 DOs and DON’Ts from Christine Luff for running your first 5K.

  1. DON'T: Run too hard or too far before the race

  2. DON'T: Carbo-load the night before

  3. DO: Pick up your race packet early

  4. DO: Get your race outfit ready

  5. DO: Get a good night’s sleep

  6. DO: Eat breakfast

  7. DO: Get to the race early

  8. DO: Warm-up before the race

  9. DO: Pin your bib on your shirt

  10. DO: Line up properly at the start

  11. DON'T: Go out too fast

  12. DO: Use the water stops

  13. DO: Bring your support team

  14. DO: Have fun!

Train for Your First 5K with a Beginner Interval Workout from Coach Nate

Your Daily Dose Of Usain⚡️

Usain in white

Words To Run By 🏃‍♀️🏃🏽‍♂️

Never give up! Failure and rejection are only the first step to succeeding.

Jim Valvano

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