The Power of Gratitude

Get out there, enjoy yourself, enjoy the company and camaraderie of others

A Reminder from Ryan Lewis 🙏🏽

Every day this week, I have woken up with a sense of gratitude in my heart to get to what I do every day: move my body and encourage others to do the same. The feeling of gratitude for physical movement–and gratitude for anything, really–has been tested by some of the most tragic news headlines and frustrating political lobbying. Here is what I remind myself: I have been given today, with an able body and an open heart, and I must use these gifts I have been given by sharing them with others.

Get out there, enjoy yourself, enjoy the company and camaraderie of others. When we do things together, we accomplish much more than going at it alone.

Your Daily Dose Of Usain ⚡️

Words To Run By 🏃‍♀️

“I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I have just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well.”

Diane Ackerman