Running your best in any weather

Run Your Best in All Weather

Regardless of the weather, you want to run your best. Besides having the “Bad Weather” mindset to mentally prepare yourself for snow, heat or a solar eclipse :), here are tips for getting the most from your runs in all weather conditions.

Hot Weather Run Tips

Be Alert: Running in the heat can be dangerous if proper precautions and preparations are not followed.

Avoid dehydration: You can lose between 6 and 12 oz. of fluid for every 20 minutes of running, especially when it's hot out. So prehyrdrate by drinking water 10 to 15 minutes prior to running and every 20–30 minutes during your run. Consider carrying water on the run and planning your route for long runs (over 60 minutes) to be able to refill your water bottle as needed.

Understand heat index dangers: Think twice about running outside if the heat is above 98.6 degrees and humidity is above 70-80%. If the humidity in the air is so high that it prevents the process of evaporation of sweat from the skin, you could literally cook your insides from an elevated body temperature.

Be aware of heat illness and heat stroke: If you become dizzy, nauseated, have the chills, or cease to sweat…. STOP running! Find shade, drink water and get home or call for help. Symptoms of heatstroke include mental changes, such as confusion, delirium, or unconsciousness, and skin that is red, hot, and dry, even under the armpits. Get help immediately if you suffer heat stroke: Heatstroke is a life-threatening medical emergency, requiring emergency medical treatment. Call 911.

Dress for the weather: Wear light colored, breathable fabrics. Avoid long sleeves and long pants.

Apply sunscreen: 15spf or more can help protect your skin from sunburns. Having 5 or more sunburns doubles your risk for melanoma.

4 Tips for Running in the Rain

Taking the first steps on a run during a rainy day can be difficult. Running through the rain can bring out the inner-children in us. Here are 4 tips for your next rainy day run.

  1. Avoid Overdressing: Sometimes it’s best to skip the rain jacket. While you want to be warm, doing this can help prevent overheating. Try to run in a long-sleeve, lightweight shirt, shorts, and running shoes that will dry easily, or find what works best for you.

  2. Wear the Right Socks: Avoid cotton socks when running in the rain. Cotton causes moisture to build up, which leads to friction when your foot rubs against the sock and inevitably results in blistering or irritation. Polyester-blend and merino wool socks are great alternatives.

  3. Waterproof Shoes Aren’t Always Necessary:

    Waterproof shoes are great for keeping your feet dry when running in puddles on the road, but water can still enter your shoes around your ankles if it’s raining. Once the water is in, it will make your feet wet and build-up odor and bacteria. In a storm, you may want to opt for traditional road running shoes.

  4. Change Your Mindset: Changing your mindset will change your outcome! If you approach your rainy run thinking “Ugh, I hate the rain”, chances are, you won’t enjoy the few miles your about to embark on, and your experience is going to be wet and miserable. Positive thinking can lead to positive results! Instead, tell yourself something like “I’m going to feel so free! Like a scene in a movie. I can’t wait to go running!” and see how that subtle change in thought can impact your entire experience.

Running in the cold ☃️

Your Daily Dose Of Usain⚡️

Usain fist pumping

Words To Run By 🏃‍♀️🏃🏽‍♂️

What does fear taste like? Success. I have accomplished nothing without a little taste of fear in my mouth.

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