Running Warmup Drills

The Science of Stride: How Drills Enhance Distance Running Efficiency

In today’s newsletter we turn back to Letty, host of the Marathon Running Podcast. Thanks Letty!

Letty Lundquist

I am Letty from the Marathon Running Podcast. Are you looking to take your running game to the next level? Whether you're a seasoned runner or just starting out, mastering these five essential drills can make a significant difference in your performance and technique. WATCH THE EPISODE HERE.


For distance runners, the quest for efficiency is constant. Every step counts, and minimizing wasted energy is the key to conquering those long runs. Enter running drills: seemingly simple exercises that hold the power to unlock significant improvements in your running form and performance.

This article explores the science behind running drills and how they can transform you into a smoother, faster, and more efficient distance runner. We'll delve into the specific benefits drills offer, from building muscle memory for proper form to boosting strength and power, all while reducing the risk of injury.

Ready to unleash your inner distance running beast? Let's get started!

Building the Foundation: Mastering the Mechanics

Running drills like A-skips, B-skips, high knees, butt kicks, and leg swings are like targeted practice sessions for your running technique. They isolate specific movements, allowing you to hone aspects like foot strike, cadence (number of steps per minute), and overall form. Imagine them as drills you'd do in basketball to perfect your dribbling or in tennis to master your swing – but for running! By focusing on these individual components, you'll develop muscle memory for proper form, translating into smoother, more efficient strides on your distance runs.

Efficiency is King (or Queen): Running Like a Well-Oiled Machine

The name of the game in distance running is minimizing wasted energy. Drills play a crucial role in achieving this by helping you build muscle memory for proper form. Think of your body as a finely tuned machine. Drills ensure every movement is optimized, allowing you to run smoother and use less energy with each stride. Imagine effortlessly gliding over the pavement, leaving behind a trail of dust (or admiring glances) in your wake.

Strength and Power: Unlocking Your Inner Running Beast

Drills aren't just about refining form; they also pack a hidden punch when it comes to building strength and power in key running muscles. High knees and butt kicks target your quads and glutes, the powerhouses propelling you forward. Leg swings, on the other hand, engage your core and hamstrings, crucial for maintaining stability and explosiveness. By strengthening these muscle groups, drills contribute to a stronger push-off and more explosive strides, propelling you forward with greater efficiency and leaving the competition in the dust.

Prevention is Key: Staying Injury-Free on the Road

Running drills offer a valuable side benefit – injury prevention. By identifying and addressing weaknesses in your form, these exercises can help prevent injuries down the road. Drills strengthen underused muscles and improve your overall running mechanics, making you a more resilient runner, ready to tackle any distance with confidence.

Ready to Drill Your Way to Distance Running Domination?

We've created a comprehensive YouTube video showcasing these drills in action, so you can see exactly how to perform them with proper technique! Head over to our channel, @runningpodcast, and search for the video titled "5 Drills that Transform Your Runs". You can also access it directly using the below link.

Remember, consistency is key. Integrate these drills into your warm-up routine before most runs to reap the benefits and witness the transformation in your running efficiency. Let's unlock your full running potential, one drill at a time! Now go forth and conquer those distances like the speed demon you were always meant to be!

5 Drills to Warmup for Runs

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