Running News for January 25th, 2024

Sleep myths debunked, a 93 year old muscular Irishman and a 52 year old chain-smoking marathon runner

52-Year-Old Man Finishes Marathon in 3.5 Hours While Smoking The Entire Race

Completing a marathon at age 52 is impressive. Completing it in less than four hours while chain-smoking the entire race is downright insane.

"Smoking Brother" was recently disqualified from the Xiamen Marathon, after finishing the event in three hours and thirty three minutes. The 52-year-old, whose real name is Uncle Chen, was disqualified for smoking, in violation of a Chines rule that prohibits smoking in marathons.

Chen's unconventional habit previously garnered attention in 2018 and 2019. Opinions on the Smoking Brother are mixed, with some labeling him a legend and others criticizing his behavior as inconsiderate to fellow runners.

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Uncle Chen Smoking

6 Myths About Sleep Debunked

Sleep has a huge impact on our health. It helps our brains function, protects against heart disease and supports our immune system. So why do only a third of Americans get the recommended amount of sleep each night?

Below we debunk six myths about sleep that were deemed to lack evidence according to the published article in the National Library of Medicine.

  1. MYTH 1: It doesn't matter what time of day you sleep. The time of day does matter. Our circadian rhythm is influenced by natural sunlight in our environment. When the sun comes up and we go outside, that sunshine "stops the floodgates of melatonin and switches the 'on' phase of our circadian rhythm.

  2. MYTH 2: One night of sleep deprivation will have lasting effects. Your sleep isn't going to be perfect every night. If we experience some stress during the day, our sleep suffers that night. A night of sleep deprivation can have short-term adverse effects but rarely a lasting impact.

  3. MYTH 3: Being able to fall asleep anytime, anywhere is a good thing. It's a myth that a good sleeper hits the pillow and falls asleep immediately. Sleep is a process. It takes a well-rested, healthy person at least 15 to 20 minutes to fall asleep. If you're able to fall asleep in less time, it may be a sign that you’re in a chronically sleep-deprived state.

  4. MYTH 4: You can survive on less than 5 hours of sleep. Some people brag about needing only a few hours of sleep at night, which may come from the notion that "well-rested people are lazy." The reality is that adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep for the most optimal health outcomes like improved heart health, longevity and brain health into our older years.

  5. MYTH 5: Watching TV is a good way to relax before bedtime. Some people like to wind down before bed by watching TV. That is not a good idea since you're starting to associate bed with things other than sleep. Instead, avoid TV and keep the body cool as you approach bedtime. The bedroom should ideally be under 70 degrees since hotter temperatures can lead to more nightmares.

  6. MYTH 6: Exercising within 4 hours of bedtime will disturb your sleep. Exercise and sleep appear mutually beneficial. People who consistently exercise see improvements in sleep since exercise releases endorphins which are mood elevators that can alleviate the top cause of sleep difficulties - stress. However, the time of day that the exercise occurs is less relevant.

Muscular 93-Year-Old Man Inspires Scientists

A 93-year Irish man has the heart and body of a man less than half his age— and he didn't start working out until he was in his 70s. His name is Richard Morgan and he weighs 165 pounds, 80 percent of which is muscle.

How does Richard do it? His fitness routine is refreshingly simple and sustainable, involving 40 minutes of rowing daily, with variations in intensity. Additionally, he incorporates lunges, curls with dumbbells, and slightly increased protein intake.

Richard’s fitness journey started at the age of 73, inspiring researchers and providing athletes everywhere with motivation that it’s never too late to build the best version of yourself.

Your Daily Dose Of Usain⚡️

Usain racing

Pain of Discipline < Pain of Regret


Keep going for that life goal; its meant for you 👊🏼💪🏼🤩 #lifegoal #motivation #marathontraining #runner

Words To Run By 🏃‍♀️🏃🏽‍♂️

You must not only have competitiveness but ability, regardless of the circumstance you face, to never quit.

Abby Wombach

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