Run News Roundup Feb 29, 2024

Learn how to mentally segment long runs, the power of cranberries and the hardest relay on earth.

Hardest Relay Race on Earth Has No Rules and No Spectators

In 2013 Nils Arend and his friends casually discussed running from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. What began as a casual suggestion has evolved into a 340-mile relay race called the The Speed Project (TSP).

Over the years, TSP has attracted a unique community of runners drawn to its extreme demands and unconventional spirit. It is now recognized as the world's toughest unsanctioned race. The relay team record for the race currently sits at about 29 hours and 30 minutes and the solo record for covering the 340 miles over several days is held by Lucy Scholz at 84 hours and 45 minutes.

The events are invite only and teased to the public only days ahead of kick-off so don’t go searching for a TSP website with upcoming events. TSP’s Motto: No Rules. No Spectators. 

$480K Tough Mudder Prize Purse in Saudi Arabia

The inaugural 2024 Tough Mudder in Saudi Arabia set a new benchmark in obstacle course racing by rewarding participants with a combined $480,000 in prize money, the highest in sport’s history. The competition included athletes from 40 countries who looped a 10-kilometer loop with 20 obstacles for eight hours.

Jonathan Albon (U.K.) and Alisa Petrova (Russia) each took home $80,000 by winning their respective genders.

The prize money is significant compared to ultra running events. For example, the Comrades Marathon in South Africa offers $28,500 to the winner while the U.S.'s Run Rabbit Run 100 Mile trail race awards $15,000 to the top finisher and a total purse of $75,000.

Help Unfuck The World

Important, Not ImportantScience for people who give a sh*t. News, essays, and Action Steps so you can understand and help unfuck the world.

Excercise Benefits Women More Than Men

A study revealed that women gain more longevity benefits from exercise than men. According to research, women can reduce their risk of early death by 24% through exercise, while men reduce their risk of dying by only 15% at the same activity levels. More specifically, the study shows that exercise reduces the risk of fatal heart events by 36% in women and only 14% in men.

Cranberries Improve Running Performance

Cranberries are emerging as a superfood due to their high polyphenol content. Could the zesty superfood become your secret weapon?

A study from Concordia University involving 14 endurance athletes showed that chronic cranberry supplementation over 28 days significantly improved aerobic performance. The study also suggested that the antioxidant properties of cranberries helps to reduce stress from intense physical activity to improve performance and recovery.

Mental Strategies to Run Long Distances

Things like running an ultramarathon or bathing in lactic acid for hours are difficult for our brains to fathom. They’re overwhelming and painful concepts for our minds to process at a single moment so being aware of cognitive strategies can help you to segment long runs into manageable chunks can help you cope with them. Here are six takeaways from Lucie Hanes:

  1. Understanding Cognitive Limitations: The human mind can only comfortably hold 7 to 10 bits of information at a time. Attempting to process too much information at once can lead to cognitive overload and mental fatigue.

  2. Segmenting: Breaking down long distances or challenging tasks into smaller, more digestible segments helps prevent cognitive overload. This approach prioritizes the immediate task over the overall goal, making it easier for the brain to focus and perform optimally.

  3. Psychological Impact: Segmenting not only reduces mental fatigue but also allows athletes to focus on positive aspects rather than getting bogged down by doubts or fears. By choosing what to focus on, athletes can enhance their performance.

  4. Perspective Shift: Instead of viewing the entire distance or task as daunting, athletes can reframe it by focusing on completing smaller segments. For example, think of running one mile 100 times rather than running 100 miles at once.

  5. Individualized Approach: Different athletes respond differently to segmenting methods so experiment to find what works best for you.

  6. Acknowledging Fear: Fear and apprehension before a race is normal. The brain perceives the challenge as daunting. By acknowledging these feelings are normal, athletes can better manage them and perform at their best.

Your Daily Dose Of Usain⚡️

Usain running outside

Running To Find Peace ✌️


running has truly changed my life & i’m so thankful for my amazing friends that i get to run with everyday!! #runner #runnerstiktok #runne... See more

Words To Run By 🏃‍♀️🏃🏽‍♂️

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.

Robert Frost
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