Run News for Week of May 9 2024

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Negative thoughts slow you down

Focusing on positive thoughts can help you run faster while keeping negative thoughts as reminders for fuel during tough times. Almost everyone is prone to have Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs). Examples include:

  • “I can’t finish this workout; it is too hard.”

  • “I should have the FKT for that route.”

  • “If I were a faster runner, I would be done with this race.”

The sentences above are examples of ANTs that are pessimistic or cynical ideas often—consciously or subconsciously—that pop into a person’s mind and feel uncontrollable at times. When running, ANTs can derail a race or workout. However, being aware of common ANTs can help you avoid these internal put-downs. Here are 10 common ANTs.

10 Common ANTs to Avoid

  1. All-Or-Nothing Thinking is only experiencing the world in black or white and seeing any performance less than perfect as a complete failure.

  2. Overgeneralization is the belief that a non-ideal outcome is a pattern of failure or defeat.

  3. Mind Filtering is picking the negative events out of a situation, rather than acknowledging the big picture or positive events.

  4. Positive Disqualifying Thinking is discrediting or rejecting positive events with the belief that they are invalid or a fluke. For many runners, this may be discrediting a good workout or race performance in service of the belief that they are an imposter in the sport.

  5. Jumping to Conclusions is making assumptions based on existing negative beliefs. In running, a person might assume that, because a workout did not go well, they should not even bother with a race.

  6. Catastrophizing is amplifying the importance of a mistake and believing a negative outcome is a bigger deal than it actually is.

  7. Emotional Reasoning is the assumption that feeling a bad emotion makes it accurate.

  8. Should Statements use the idea that one is not upholding expectations to motivate themselves. Should is the destroyer of joy. Examples of should statements to avoid include:

    1. I should be running as fast as so-and-so.

    2. This workout should feel easier.

    3. I should be fitter than I feel.

  9. Labeling and Mislabeling is a step beyond overgeneralization, where, after a negative experience, a person labels themselves or the experience as inherently bad.

  10. Personalization is when people believe they are the root cause of a negative event, taking all the blame on themselves.

11 Glute Activation Exercises For Runners

  1. Double Leg Glute Bridge

  2. Single Leg Glute Bridge 

  3. Lateral Leg Lifts With Resistance Band

  4. Monster Walks With Resistance Band

  5. Clamshells With Resistance Band

  6. Donkey Kicks

  7. Standing Glute Kickback With Resistance Bands

  8. Lying Kickbacks With Resistance Band

  9. Fire Hydrant

  10. Standing Abductor With Resistance Band

  11. Squats With Resistance Band

Hotels Embrace Wellness Travel

As travelers seek experiences that promote their health and well-being, hospitality giants like Marriott and Hyatt are responding with on-site offerings. Major hospitality brands are ramping up their fitness and wellness offerings to lure travelers desire movement and sports coaching as opposed to sitting poolside with a margarita. Wellness tourism has outperformed the overall tourism industry for over a decade and is expected to continue to grow through 2027.

Marriott Adds Yoga, Pickleball & More: Marriott’s Puerto Rico location in Dorado Beach now offers yoga, pickleball and an 11-mile forest trail with the option of an evening hike under the stars.

Hyatt & Peloton Reward Travelers: Hyatt has teamed with Peloton to reward loyalty program members for using Peloton equipment at its properties. Peloton also has a deal with Hilton that places its bikes at the hotel company’s properties across the globe.

10 Common Mistakes When Using Kettlebells

Swing, snatch, and squat kettlebells for safe and effective workouts. Here are 10 common mistakes to avoid.

1. Using Incorrect Form: Using incorrect form can lead to injury and less effective workouts. Mastering the correct form before adding weight is essential for the safe and purposeful engagement of the targeted muscles.

2. Lifting Too Heavy, Too Soon: Lifting a weight that is beyond your current capacity can compromise form and lead to injuries.

3. Neglecting the Power of the Swing: The standard kettlebell swing is pivotal as it trains the user to correctly utilize their hips, a central feature of most kettlebell exercises.

4. Hyperextending the Back: Hyperextending, or arching the lower back too much during kettlebell swings, places unnecessary strain on the spine, leading to potential back injuries. Engage your abs and glutes to counterbalance the weight.

5. Arching or Rounding the Back: Arching or rounding your back during kettlebell exercises can result in muscle strain and disc herniation. Always maintain a neutral spine and activate your core.

6. Not Engaging the Core: The core plays a pivotal role in kettlebell exercises. Failing to engage it results in instability and potential injury since the core helps balance and drive the body’s power.

7. Bending the Wrists during Overhead Lifts: Bending the wrists while lifting the kettlebell overhead can lead to wrist strain or injury. You should keep your wrists straight and firm for maximum control and safety.

8. Poor Breathing Technique: Appropriate breathing is fundamental to any form of exercise, including kettlebell workouts. Holding your breath or short, rapid breathing can lead to dizziness and affect your strength and stamina.

9. Lack of Motion Control: Controlling the movement of the kettlebell during lifts and swings is essential for a safe workout. Failure to control the kettlebell’s movement can result in injury due to sudden, jerky movements.

10. Ignoring Fatigue: Ignoring signs of fatigue and pushing through can easily lead to form compromise and potential injuries. Listen to your body and rest when needed to prevent unnecessary strain.

A Disaster at the Toronto Marathon

Start-line scavenger hunt: After waiting 20 minutes at the bus stop Katrianna hopped into an Uber packed with runners and drove for 30 minutes before getting stuck two blocks from the start line. With 14 minutes left, she bolted from the car and frantically began surveying the street for a bathroom. There were no porta potties in sight and long lines of runners waited to use bathrooms in Whole Foods, McDonalds, and Pizza Pizza.

Survival of the fittest: The start line was packed with runners standing shoulder to shoulder with many outside the barricades. In a desperate bid to join the race, Katrianna leaped over a barricade just before the race started. During the run, spectators and pedestrians darted along the route, cutting runners off and tripping some. When Katrianna finally reached the finish line, it was anything but welcoming.

Marathon of no hope: This year, the chaos appeared to reach unprecedented levels. Marathoners reported pedestrians, cyclists, and walkers crossing the route around the 27 km mark. According to participant comments online, not only were bathrooms scarce, but the bag drop was chaotic, the course was inconsistently marked, post-race conditions were poor, and coordination with the city was lacking. At the finish, some runners had to wait well over 60 minutes before receiving water, while others waited up to two hours before they could retrieve their bags. Lastly, many runners at the finish line were angered to learn the race had run out of medals.

Your Daily Dose Of Usain⚡️

Usain as dj

Something more powerful than you


#motivation #motivational #davidgoggins #stayhard

Words To Run By 🏃‍♀️🏃🏽‍♂️

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.

Dr. Seuss

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