Motivation from Labor Day

Motivation from Labor Day

Americans across the country are celebrating Labor Day today. The day has become known as one final summer holiday before back to school and the fall season begins.

The Labor Day holiday originated during the late 19th century when trade unionists proposed that a day be set aside to celebrate labor. New York City held a parade, Oregon was the first state to make it a holiday and the day officially became a federal holiday in 1894.

Regardless of how you are celebrating Labor Day, here are 3 ways to use today’s holiday as motivation:

New beginnings bring opportunity: With the beginning of a new fall season, new opportunities present themselves. Whether it be in running, work, school or other areas of our life, we all benefit when we appreciate the new opportunities that come with the start of a fresh season.

Stand by your teammates and fellow coworkers: Labor Day originated as a public demonstration of labor organizations standing together in solidarity. Similar to the labor organizations standing together over 100 years ago, we can all benefit from uniting with our teammates and coworkers.

Don’t think of work negatively: Activity levels tend to pick up post Labor Day. When work picks up, it can be easy to become overwhelmed or upset about the busyness of our lives. Instead, we might consider the positive aspects of our work to help us remain calm and grateful. Work is often a good thing.

Enjoy the holiday. Let’s have a great week!

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