Marathon training for beginners

Start marathon training

With the fall slate of marathons fast approaching, now is the time to commit and begin training. In today’s newsletter we cover tips and guidance on how to get started training for a marathon.

We are all runners

It is not only certain people who are capable of running a marathon. Marathons bring all types of humans together who strive to complete something that is physically difficult but not impossible. If you have the desire to run a marathon, know that most people with the will and the discipline can run a marathon.

Completing a marathon requires building a base running foundation, registering for a race, executing the training plan and showing up on race day with the proper mindset. Many marathons take place in the fall, so now is the time to commit since training race can take up to six months.

Don't let the word "race" alarm you! While some are competing against other runners or personal records, you can work for your own goal, which could simply be to FINISH with no injuries.

5 marathon training tips for beginners

Running a marathon is possible even if you don’t consider yourself a runner. Training for a marathon is tough, but doable with the right plan and processes. Here are 5 marathon training tips for beginners.

  1. Register for a Marathon You’re Excited About: Registering for a marathon should give you the same feeling as booking an exciting vacation. There should be anticipation building up to the event. If registering for the marathon doesn’t give you excitement and a splash of nerves, keep searching until you find one that does. The excitement will help carry you through the training process.

  2. Follow a Marathon Training Plan: Most marathon training plans for beginners range from 12 weeks to 6 months to help build endurance and instill the proper running mechanics.

  3. Train Your Mind With Mindset and Mantras: Finishing a marathon is largely a mental battle, both the training and the race. When training for a marathon, you will have doubts and lose motivation. By preparing your mind, you’ll have a better chance of not giving up. Mindset work can be done with meditation, journaling, or simply being aware of surroundings and sensations when running. Mantras are a good way to push through tough runs by blocking out debilitating throughs and digging deep.

  4. Cross-Training, Strength Training, Long Runs & Speed Work:

    • Cross training: Any low-impact aerobic exercise that keeps your heart rate at a medium level for an extended period of time. Biking, ellipticaling, swimming, and aqua jogging are all great cross-training options.

    • Strength training: Marathon strength training workouts keep your foundation strong – think core, hips, and glutes – so you can make it through all the miles. You don’t have to go super heavy on the weights. A consistent one or two strength workouts a week with just your bodyweight or a light dumbbell will be helpful.

    • Long Runs: The long run pace should be about a minute to two minutes slower than a marathon pace. Long runs train the body and mind to run for multiple hours at a time.

    • Speed workouts: Speed work makes you a faster, stronger runner and make your easy runs feel easier. As a new runner, you don’t have to overload on speed work. Interval runs, which alternate between a harder, faster pace and a recovery jog, are easy ways to get in speed work and expand your aerobic capacity.

  5. Recover Intelligently: Take rest days so that your body can properly recover and absorb all the neuromuscular and cardiovascular changes that take place from training. Dynamic stretching, foam rolling, sleep and nutrition are all important aspects of recovery.

Start marathon training from scratch

Your Daily Dose Of Usain⚡️

Usain running on air

Words To Run By 🏃‍♀️🏃🏽‍♂️

In running, it doesn’t matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say, ‘I have finished.’ There is a lot of satisfaction in that.

Fred Lebow