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Inspiration from the Bear that Escaped Bombs

Learn how a Ukranian Bear can motivate you

Motivation from the Refugee Bear

More than a year after being rescued from a bombed-out zoo in Ukraine, a 12-year-old Asiatic black bear arrived at his new home in Scotland last week. Since his rescue, the bear who is named Yampil for his Ukrainian hometown, received veterinary care and rehab in Kyiv, stayed at a zoo in Poland and visited an animal rescue in Belgium before finally landing in the United Kingdom.

Yampil was originally rescued from a bombed out zoo in the fall of 2022. Most other animals had died of hunger, were struck by bullets or eaten by Russian troops. Yampil narrowly missed the same fate.

When Yampil arrived at his new home last week he immediately feasted on his favorite foods of cucumbers and melon. It’s not clear if he will go into hibernation. Yampil is the zoo’s only animal that’s been rescued from a war zone.

What can we learn from Yampil and his journey from a war zone? Here are three ways that the Asiatic bear can motivate us.

  1. You never know how things will change: When his zoo was bombed and fellow zoo mates were eaten by soldiers, Yampil found himself in a rapidly changing situation. Now, he is in a new home on the other side of the world where he has the opportunity to carry on the legacy of his home village. While it’s unlikely that our lives will be disrupted like Yampil’s, we can never be certain of what tomorrow will bring.

  2. It takes a team: While Yampil went through his recovery and global travels as a solo bear, it was only possible because of his team. From the initial group that rescued him to his rehab team in Kiev and all of his caretakers in Poland, Belgium and the UK, Yampil’s supporting crew kept him alive and provided him the opportunity to begin a new life in Scotland. While we all go through life as individuals, it is near impossible to accomplish anything meaningful without the support and guidance of others.

  3. New environments can bring blessings: When arriving in Scotland Yampil quickly began eating his favorite foods. After a year of changes, recovery and travels, he was still able to eat the foods that he’s always enjoyed the most. While different surroundings bring challenges, there are most likely also blessings involved.

Thanks for inspiring us Yampil!

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Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking.

Steve Jobs

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