Getting Into a Morning Routine

Learn how a morning routine can help you conquer life.

Getting Into Morning Routines

A morning routine helps set the tone for our day, better allowing us to control our schedules rather than our schedule controlling us. With a fresh start to the day, we better focus on opportunities, prioritize our time more effectively, increase our productivity and ultimately Run The Day - so the day doesn’t run us.

5 Tips For Getting Into an Early Morning Running Routine

1. Adjust Your Sleeping Habits

Good morning habits starts with a good night’s sleep. Bodies that can function with less than 7-8 hours of sleep tend to be an exception, not the rule. To help wind down at a reasonable hour, avoid caffeine and alcohol late in the day, don’t take naps and limit screentime before bed.

2. Lay Out Your Clothes

The more preparation you do ahead of time, the easier it is to get out the door in the morning. Lay your clothes next to the bed so that you’re ready to go in the morning. If you’re worried about waking your partner while getting ready, try placing your clothes in the bathroom, or outside of the bedroom door.

3. Put Your Alarm in a New Spot

It’s tempting when your alarm goes off in the morning to hit the snooze button. Just a few more minutes of sleep, right? Before you know it, an hour has passed, and you missed your window to go for a run. Place your alarm across the room so that you must get out of bed to turn it off. You can even place it outside of the bedroom to decrease the likeliness of going back to sleep after turning it off.

4. Plan your Breakfast

Choose foods that are easily digestible like toast with a nut butter, oatmeal, or an energy bar for quick energy. Consuming caffeine, like drinking coffee, can help increase energy. More pre-run breakfast ideas.

5. Find a Running Buddy

A friend can help you stay accountable and ensure you make it out of the door each morning. Look for someone around the same fitness level as you. Conversation during a run, especially with a friend, can make time go by quicker, and help you to have fun!

Don’t Hit Snooze: Nike’s Phil Knight’s Morning Ritual

Phil Knight, the co-founder of Nike, was not just any ordinary man. He was a visionary who lived and breathed his work, and that work ethic started with his mornings. Knight was known to rise before the sun, around 4:30 AM, and tackle the day with energy and focus. As Phil writes in his memoir Shoe Dog, his morning routine, as simple as it may sound, played a crucial role in his success as a business leader and entrepreneur.

A morning routine remains important to the Company’s current leader. Nike’s current CEO, John Donahoe, starts his day with 33 ounces of water, a workout and a gratitude practice. Donahoe has leaned into getting help and works with multiple leadership coaches; regularly sees his therapist of 30 years and has established his own group of trusted friends he turns to for personal and professional advice.

10 Science-Backed Benefits of Morning Routines

Morning routine benefits are both psychological and physical.

1. Prepare Yourself for the Rest of the Day: How you spend the morning influences the rest of your day. If you start the day feeling rushed or lazy, expect that sensation to remain with you. A morning routine gets you on track from the moment you wake up to conquer the day with the right frame of mind.

2. Increase Your Productivity: With a morning routine, you start the day right and spend every moment of your time on something valuable and productive. Maintain this throughout the day to avoid wasting time and you’ll find that you’re able to focus and finish more tasks — as opposed to starting several and leaving half of them incomplete.

3. Feel in Control: When you have many commitments, it can feel like you’re rushing through one task to the next. Your day starts to control you, rather than the other way around. A morning routine may cover just a small part of your day, but it is a step toward helping you regain control.

4. Lower Stress: Stress occurs when you lack enough time to complete all your responsibilities or you worry about what needs to be done next. When you have a routine, you always know exactly what you should be doing and can complete your entire routine without thinking. Plus, you’ll know that you have enough time to finish everything without rushing.

5. Develop Healthy Habits: It may be tempting to hit the snooze button or to stay in bed with your phone instead of getting up immediately. These habits waste your time. When you have a routine, it’s easier to avoid bad habits and to develop healthy ones. You may start eating a substantial breakfast, practice mindfulness, or even make time to exercise in your morning routine before work.

6. Boost Your Energy Levels: The reason many people hate mornings is because their energy levels are low early in the day. A great thing about a morning routine is that it increases your energy, especially when you give yourself no time to be lazy and dedicate your time to scheduled activities. If you want an extra energy boost, include a high-intensity workout, meditation, or a cold shower in your morning routine.

7. Improve Relationships: Something as simple as a morning routine can impact your relationships by lowering stress, which reduced the frustrations that you may take out on a loved one. By reducing stress, you’re less likely to snap at someone. A morning routine also means that you’re more accessible to your family and friends by being better organized and having more spare time the rest of the day.

8. Combat Forgetfulness: When you have the same routine every day, it’s less likely you’ll forget something. Without thinking, you’ll go through the motions of getting ready for work and lower the risk of forgetting to do an important chore or task.

9. Improve Your Confidence: When you’re calm and collected, you naturally feel more confident. Plus, better time management will mean you accomplish more, which can also improve your self-esteem.

10. Learn to Be Flexible: Your morning routine is just the beginning of your schedule. It’s normal that things won’t always go exactly as you expected, meaning you’ll need to adapt. Learning to adapt your morning routine around unexpected events will train you to be flexible in other aspects of your life.

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Words To Run By 🏃‍♀️🏃🏽‍♂️

Forgiveness is not an occasional act. It is a permanent attitude.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
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