Getting back to work

2025 begins this week. As we enter a new year, many of us will set resolutions and vow to make 2025 our best year yet. The beginning of a new year is cause for excitement and optimism.

Along with excitement, a new year brings new challenges and new work. Work tends to be required to make the most of our exciting opportunities.

As best-selling author Susan Hyatt writes, “Don’t be mad about the results you didn’t earn from the work you didn’t do.”

Susan explains that when we see something we want, instead of feeling jealous and frustrated, we should choose to make it happen by putting in time, sweat and courage.

Put simply, we should do the work.

Work can mean a variety of things. Maybe it is a job. Maybe it is school. Maybe it is building a family or improving a relationship. Maybe it is about getting into shape with regular workouts or hitting a new PR.

Regardless of what work means to you, lets embrace it as we start 2025. When embraced, our work allows us to grow, overcome and earn future victories.

Here are 3 things to consider as we get back to work.

1. What is the alternative?: We all have days when our work is painful. There are times when we don’t want to work, so create excuses to avoid it. By considering the alternative to our work, we see it from a new perspective, which can increase our gratitude and make it more bearable.

2. Regardless of what happens, go back to work: After a win, get back to work. After a loss, get back to work. When things don’t go our way, get back to work. When things go our way, get back to work. And work even harder. Don’t stop working. By getting back to work we empower and stabilize ourselves while facilitating our continued growth.

3. Develop habits: Small, consistent actions accumulate to produce significant results over time. By developing good habits, we put ourselves at an advantage to accomplish our goals. By developing bad habits, we put ourselves at a disadvantage to accomplish our goals. The difference between good and bad habits can be the difference between building the life that we desire and living a life that others choose for us.

Thanks for reading. Lets have a great start to 2025!

Why do we work?

3 Run Articles from the Weekend

  1. Why our anxiety is worse at night: READ HERE

  2. Minnesota run club plunges into frozen Mississippi River: READ HERE

  3. AI-powered smart ring CUDIS partners with UCLA athletics: READ HERE

Your Daily Dose Of Usain⚡️

Usain’s head in a suit

Words To Run By 🏃‍♀️🏃🏽‍♂️

Things won’t go perfect. It’s all about how you adapt from those things and learn from mistakes.

Michael Phelps


Are you too young to think about how you’re aging? Probably not.

Starting in our 30s, some key cellular processes begin to slow down, making us feel tired and weak over time. But, a group of scientists spent 15 years developing a way to combat this decline. Meet Mitopure®, by Timeline, a clinically proven way to increase cellular energy, giving our bodies the energy they need to function optimally. The results? Double-digit increases in muscle strength and endurance without any change in exercise.