Get Yourself Prepared For Race Day

Race day – the culmination of months of hard work and preparation. It's the moment when your training, dedication, and endurance are tested. In this newsletter, we'll explore the essential do's and don'ts to ensure that you perform your best on race day. Whether you've run one thousand marathons or are training for your first 5K, we hope these insights will help you to achieve your race day goals.

Of course, the ultimate race day blunder is leaving everything to the last minute. So get moving!

5 Things NOT To Do On Race Day

1. Eat Too Close to the Start of the Race

2. Hydrate Too Close to the Start of the Race

3. Forget to Use the Bathroom

4. Not Warm Up Before Your Run

5. Wear New Gear on Race Day

Claire Chamberlain’s Dos and Don’ts for Race Day


  • check the weather in the morning

  • run your own race

  • walk when you need to

  • soak up the atmosphere!

  • smile for the cameras

  • pack a savoury snack for the finish


  • leave everything until race-day morning

  • leave everything until race-day morning

  • eat anything different

  • trim your toenails

  • stress too much about lack of sleep the night before

  • wear new kit (especially running shoes)

  • line up in the wrong starting pen

  • drink too much water

Read more in Claire Chamberlain’s guide with full commentary on her insights for the dos and don’ts for race day.

Another good read to ensure you’re prepared for race day comes from our friends at the Marathon Handbook. Maria Andrews outlines the 11 Worst Things To Do Before A Race.

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Words To Run By 🏃‍♀️

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Oprah Winfrey

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